Structural elements of a building collapsed during concreting in the Industrial Park of Debrecen on 24th of September. Five workers got injured.
The accident happenedat Richter premises, during the construction of one of the Pharmaceutical Research and Development and Innovation Centre.
The workershave beenlaying a bed of concrete on the fourth floor of a building when elements of the reinforced structure broke off. Luck of the crash was, that the reinforced concrete structure didn’t fell upon them because they fell off the third level of the adjacent building plummeting downwards about four meters deep.
The emergency services deployed large forces to the sceneand gave medical attendance to the five injured workers.
In total, four out of the five injured were transported to the ER department of the Kenezy hospital in Debrecen. One man seriously injured, the three other workers condition unknown. After the X-rays doctors can tell the degree of injury.