The Debrecen Police are looking for two young women who have recently committed theft in Libakert area (Furedi Street, Nyar Street) of Debrecen. They entered flats of elderly women living alone in their apartment using the elderly persons defencelessness.
The two women entered the apartement referring that they were thirsty etc. and diverted the victim`s attention and stole cash. A subclass of Debrecen Police is looking for two 18-22 years old, 160-165 cm tall, thin, white-skinned, brown haired women. They were wearing white baseball cap wore gloves during the crimes.
The Police asks that anyone who recognizes the persons shown in the image, have relevant information to call 06-52-516-400/2486 phone number.
The Police asks everyone, especially elderly people, be cautious and careful if a stranger knocks on the door of their apartment. Do not believe in the suspicious stories! The flat entrance door is must kept locked, that nobody can get in unnoticed.